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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

MAC Haul

So there was a great offer on Debenhams online this weekend using their online offer, a Facebook code and good old Topcashback!

Here's how it worked...

1. 10% off cosmetics online
2. Debenhams Facebook page issued a code for an additional 5% off
3. Click via Topcashback for an additional 5.05% cash back! For those who aren't in the know... www.topcashback.co.uk/ref/wassavsnowsmith

WELL with an offer like that, payday just gone and a MAC lippy wish list how could I refuse haha!

I ended up getting 3 lipsticks and 2 eyeshadows. Photos below (still working on how to get them in order using the Blogger app-is this even possible?? Lol)

1. MAC Lustre Lipstick in Lady Bug. OMG LOVE THIS COLOUR! It is the perfect red even to wear-dare I say it-out in the day! Not even just at night? It's the perfect amount of sheer and colour and nice and buildable. My favourite.

2. MAC Lustre Lipstick in Patissiere. This is my second favourite and is a lovely my lips but better pinky nude. Perfect for every day or I think layered on thicker would be great with a smokey eye look. The lustre finish gives it a lovely glossy sheen.

3. MAC Cremesheen Lipstick in Ravishing. This is the one (as you'll see from my picture) I'm not 100% on I think it's a little too orangey on me! Knew I should have got Fanfare haha! The finish is nice though and a lovely summery colour-maybe I'll keep it by for when I have a tan (might be waiting a while!)

4. MAC Single Eyeshadow in Contrast and Print. I wanted some shades other than black to do smokey eye looks and they are good for that, but a little too similar. My favourite is contrast which has a very slight shimmer and a lovely blue edge. The photo shows it along my lash line smudged in.

So, did anyone else take advantage of this offer??

Thanks for reading!

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